The Wall of Fame and Construction Techniques:
Examples from around the world of things people do with our products! Feel free to email us cool pictures of your projects to be included here!
Updated January 19th 2017
Sonic Imagery Labs 994Enh-Ticha Opamp in a Leming LM-3 DAC Decoder
January 2017
An easy upgrade, Leming LM-3 24bit 192kHz DAC Decoder Unit sporting a pair of Sonic Imagery Labs Model 994Enh-Ticha discrete Opamps. The 8 units sent to us had counterfeit OPA627's installed. Not sure why anyone actually thinks a real OPA627 is a good choice for audio in the first place. A quick look at the datasheet will tell you wideband video amplifiers are never a good choice for audio material. This DAC also had NOS Cornell Dubilier output capacitors with date codes from Feb 1989! We yanked those sad leaky things out and installed the nice green shiny Nichicon MUSE NP types at the lower left. These simple fixes actually impressed us with the sonic improvement. We are usually not easily impressed.

Updated October 30th 2016
Sonic Imagery Labs 995FET Opamp in a High Perfomance Headphone Amp
August 2016
From RJM Audio in Japan. Built on a set of Sapphire PCB Kits made specifically to take monolithic or 990/2520 opamps.

Sony Harrison MCI636 Fader Pack dBx202 rebuild
July 2016
By changing a few resistor values to match the idle standby gain and installing the Sonic Imagery Labs 312A VCA module for dead dBx202's, you too can bring back MCI636 series fader packs back to life and sounding better than ever before! We are told this console belonged to Steve Smith of Journey and now resides in a wonderful studio in Texas, USA.

Nordvang Custom, Denmark
May 2016
Play guitar, bass or keyboards? Nordvang Custom in Denmark produces and uses the Sonic Imagery Labs 992Enh-Ticha opamps to make your instrument sound like it should!

Yamaha NE80200 Mixing Console Rebuild, USA
April 2016
Yes!, you can easily upgrade and replace dead Yamaha NE80200 opamp modules with NEW Sonic Imagery Labs 990Ehn-Ticha high performance opamps! We have always known this here at the Lab, but the rest of the world probably never thought about it. We always get inquiries regarding this. So let this post be known. Yes you can.

Musiland Audio DAC Upgrade, San Diego CA, USA
September 2015
Using both the Sonic Imagery Labs 1114A SOIC8 to DIP8 adapter and the Sonic Imagery Labs 994Enh-Ticha, we easily upgraded this Musiland MD10 USB DAC's I/V stage.

Yulong A28 Rebuild, Tong Chia, SF Bay Area CA, USA
October 2014
Tong Chia writes. "Thanks for the help and support, the project to upgrade my Yulong A28 headphone amp is mostly done. The result is better than anything I can achieve with monolithic ICs. Attached are pictures of the unit with the 994 opamps installed." This rebuild used the Sonic Imagery Labs Model 994FC-Enh-Ticha variant, Vishay Foil and TaN Resistors in drive stage option

Jolida JD9 Phono Preamp Upgrade, Orlando Matias, SF Bay Area CA, USA
October 2014
NOTE! The front end of the Jolida JD9 requires the Sonic Imagery Labs 992Enh-Ticha LV Variant to operate correctly. See notes below. Romy DeLaCruz liked our upgrade so much his friend Olando upgraded as well. Orlando writes. "Thank you very much for the wonderful job you did to my pre amp. It was a night and day difference. It's sounds great already right after I dropped the cartridge to the record. Huge soundstage, great seperation and focus. Harshness disappeared, very smooth and longer decay. I also want to thank you for replacing the two caps without extra charges. I really appreciate everything and looking forward to do business with you again soon."

Jolida JD9 Phono Preamp Upgrade, Romy DeLa Cruz, Bay Area CA, USA
October 2014
NOTE! The front end of the Jolida JD9 requires the Sonic Imagery Labs 992Enh-Ticha LV Variant to operate correctly. This is because the first 2 stages operate on +/-5V supplies. Romy writes. "My initial impression upon hearing the Jolida upgrade is very positive, though some of my friends have not heard it yet. The sound stage is much bigger with deeper, & solid bass & I think it will even get better. My friend was impressed with the separation of instruments even in a lower volume, so he decided to upgrade his Jolida as well". Webmaster notes: (See above)

Sony SA5ES Receiver Upgrade, Salvador Sotelo-Salazar, California USA
August 2014
Salvador writes. "It's long coming (it's hard to do this with kids), but I finally managed to install all the changes and upgrades to the Sony tuner. As you can see in the pictures attached, there is a new low noise regulator, new fast rectifier diodes and new bigger supply caps for the +15V power supply. I also upgraded all the supply caps and resistors along the signal path. The new 994Enh-Ticha has been installed on top of a long socket since some of the upgraded caps that connect to the opamps occupy more space than the originals. The coupling caps in the end had to be added since they were not cheap and the only space was on the other side where they connect to the outputs of the 994Enh-Ticha. All in all, it was a lot of work but it paid off. It is sounding incredibly nice".

Soundcraft3 Mixing Console Channel Card, Jeff Albro, USA
July 2014
Soundcraft 3 Mixing Console channel card rebuild.

Musound L.K.S Audio Hi-End Stereo D/A Converter, Han Young Woo from Korea
May 2014
Han Young Woo from Korea writes.."Thanks for your items & kindness. I received your 994Enh-Ticha Dual DIP Opamps today and, I'm starting to test with my DAC It's seems great~~!! Sound is good! Thanks for your 994Enh-Ticha Dual DIP Opamps and opportunity."

Headphone Amplifier, Adam from Poland
March 2014
Adam from Poland writes.."Gallery
of my Lovely Cube with your opamp. Unbelievable, I am very very
pleased. Op-amp works great, This opamp is the best in the world! and I
examined my audio much, much. I greet and thank you for everything!"

Quadraphonic Phono Preamp by Technician Bobby
February 2013
has an old Panasonic SL701 quad turntable. And Pink Floyds Darkside of
the Moon in quad vinyl. The leftside has a demodulator. A pair of Sonic
Imagery Labs 994Enh-Ticha DUAL opamps.
There is also a couple of 24bit digitizing ADCs on the backside. Yikes.
CFO Maureen said that building things like this at work is considered
time-theft from the company. We told her that its a prototype of a new
product idea. The web master hasn't gotten yelled at as of December
2013 for writing this.

Vibrato Tremolo Wah-Wah Stomp Box Thing by Physicist Joseph
November 2013
enough, Joe took apart a perfectly good Wah pedal so he could hook into
the CDS cell inside the pedal which then connected to a bench top
function generator to drive the EGC pin of the Sonic Imagery Labs Model 312A VCA-EGC Module.
No one minded too much because it also forced him to repair a dusty old
bench top power supply that was sitting around the lab.

DAC I/V Stage and Line Driver Stage. Sang-Woo Shin, South Korea
October 2013
is not an example of Dead Bug Contruction but a beautiful finished
project. Sang-Woo Shin is the first to send us a picture of his
project. Four Sonic Imagery Labs 994Enh-Ticha Dual Discrete OpAmps in what looks to be in the DAC I/V Stage Balanced Line Driver Application.

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